Your mom was onto something when she told you to hang out with the right crowd.
The people around you can significantly impact your productivity.
In fact, choosing who you spend your time with should be a part of your goal-setting process. It’s hard not to adopt the habits of those we spend time with, whether they’re good or bad, so it’s crucial to choose productive individuals who can help you manage your time and life.
However, it’s essential to be aware of the people who may rob you of time and productivity. This may result in making hard choices, such as dropping people from your life.
Do you know someone who is a complaint marathon?
This person tends to be negative, seeing the glass as half empty. They can be poisonous at work, complaining about the boss and job, which can drag you down and interfere with your productivity. It’s best to drop them from your circle and seek out productive individuals who can teach you their secrets.
Additionally, some people drain you of energy, living in constant drama and expecting you to be there to solve their problems. They may even show up unannounced and call you at 3:00 AM, usually drunk. While it’s good to be there for a friend in need, being used by a drama queen can waste your time. It’s best to remove yourself from these people, even if they are family members.
On the other hand, productive people should be your role models. Make it a habit to get to know people who manage their time successfully. When you surround yourself with productive individuals, you increase your productivity automatically.
There’s also a good chance that you will be more productive while working less.
Productive people have learned to be organized, which is something you may be struggling with. By observing an organized person in action, you can learn better time management skills.
Productive people tend to be more focused and recognize problems before they become obvious. By fixing potential problems early, they save everyone a lot of time.
Find the people in your office who seem to be the most focused and plan ahead, keeping control of their time.
Avoid those who appear to be multitasking but are wasting time instead of being productive. Working with them will only slow you down.
Remember, it’s crucial to surround yourself with successful people, even if it means making hard choices and dropping some people from your life.
When you spend time with productive individuals, you increase your productivity and learn from their habits and techniques.
Productive people tend to make sure those around them are more organized for their own benefit. So, seek out productive people, learn their secrets, and become more productive yourself.