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Creating infographics are incredible ways to get leads from your website. This is especially true if you get a lot of people to share your infographic on social media. The best way to get the information to as many people as possible is to create something that can go viral, but which also links back to your website and includes a call to action right on the infographic to do that.
Ways You Can Use Infographics As Lead Magnets
Announce a New Product or Service
An infographic is a great way to talk about any new product or service that you’ve created. You can make a story board about why you created the new product or service and then what problems the service solves, while also telling them what to do to get it.
Present Amazing Data
When you’ve collected a lot of great data that helps promote what you offer to your audience, putting it into infographic form will solidify your expertise status enough that you’ll be able to get more leads through that data share. It will make people curious enough to click through to your site and check out what else you offer.
Simple Lead Magnet For Subscribers
An infographic can be a lead magnet. You can gather industry data and create an amazing infographic regarding that data, then give it away to your audience to use as well. Make it editable and brandable, and they’ll be sure to sign up for your email list to get it.
Showcase your Products or Services
A great way to showcase your products and/or services is to make an infographic showing the evolution of your products and/or services, in a way that describes the benefits of the solutions you offer in a creative way.
To Tell Your Historical Story
This is a great use for an infographic, which can go right on the about page of your website. It’s a beautiful way to tell the history of your business, how you arrived where you are today, and how that benefits your audience.
To Make Anything Easy
If you want to show people how to do something in a simple way, make an infographic. Did you know that restaurants often have infographics for each of the dishes they make in the kitchen to help everyone remember what goes into the dish and how it should look? You can do the same thing, which will make you well sought out because of your knowledge – thus increasing the leads you capture based on your infographics.

Create an Actionable CTA
One tip to get more leads from infographics is to remember to include a call to action on the infographic. The branding you add, plus your call to action, is going to make all the difference to whether people simply share it or whether they engage with you in some way.
Sell a Product or Service
You can use an infographic to highlight one product or service, showing all the benefits of that one product or service to the viewer. Make it click through to your shopping cart, and you’re in business.
Get Them to Sign Up for Your Newsletter
A good way to increase leads is to offer something of value in return for something of value from your audience. Ask them to sign up for your newsletter or email list to get more fabulous information, such as what’s in the infographic they’re currently looking at.
Promote Your Brand
Any infographic can be used to promote your brand if you add branding to it such as a watermark for your social media, website link, and more. Everything, from the colors to the tone of voice you use for the information you’re imparting, can make a huge difference.
7 Infographic Uses You May Not Have Thought Of Yet
We know that infographics are great ways to impart information visually to your audience in chunks that help them retain and understand the information better. But, sometimes it’s easy to forget that there are numerous uses for infographics. In fact, other than how they’re used now (on social media), infographics have been around a long time (since before 3000 B.C.) in the form of cave drawings, religious texts and more. And they have been used since then in a variety of ways.
Here are a few infographic ideas you may not have considered.

On Your About Page – It can be challenging to think of what to put on the “about” page since everything is supposed to be about your audience and not you, yet it is also about you. But a great way to share the story of you and why you are the right person for them to engage with, hire, or buy from is via an infographic that focuses on the information that your audience wants to know.
As a Resume – If you often need to send a resume to people, this is a great and innovative way to create a resume that will stand out from others. This works great for graphic and creative positions, but can also work for number-centric positions.
As a Recruitment Tool – If you need to bring someone on to your team, why not create an infographic all about the ideal person that you want to recruit. This is a great way to give potential hires as much information as possible without a lot of boring, long text.
Teaching How Something Works – When you need to teach anyone how something works, a great way to do it is with an infographic. It’s perfect for any type of “how to” in any type of industry, from creative to more technical issues.
To Compare and Contrast – Sometimes you want people to see the difference between two things. The best way to do that is to create an infographic that compares apples with apples in a logical and convincing order.
To Raise Awareness – If you have any type of issue where you have data to back up your claims, you can use an infographic to help raise awareness of the issue. Infographics are easy to read and share, so they can go viral in the right circumstances.
As a Lead Magnet – Everyone is always trying to build their email list, and providing an information infographic in exchange for a sign-up is a great idea. This is especially true if your audience is all in the same industry and needs the infographic that you’re offering.
To Connect Trends with Your Business – There is always some sort of news or trend that is up front and center in the news. If you can find a way to connect your business to any trends, make an infographic that highlights that fact.
As a Print Advertisement – Infographics use a small space to get a lot of information to the audience and will make great print ads – because in print, space is money. If you design your infographic correctly, you can give a ton of information easily and quickly about a product or service.
If you want to get leads, the best way to do it is to be consistent in the creation of infographics and then also the promotion of the infographics. If no one knows you created it, and you don’t promote it as if it’s one of your best products, it won’t work as well for gathering leads.
But infographics should be an important part of your overall content strategy, even beyond lead generation.
In particular, if you have a lot of “how to” and data-centric information to share with your audience, you should consider adding infographics as part of your overall content strategy.